what are the typical reasons for a "project failed to load!"

Started by zeeboy, April 09, 2008, 09:47:07 AM

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sorry i haven't kept up with OpenDCL!  I'm now in an different job and language.

but i'm trying to do some personally and i'm trying to get my old code to work and i'm getting "project failed to load!".  I tried the (LOAD "C:/Program Files/OpenDCL Studio/Examples/_MasterDemo.LSP") and even some of those examples get "project failed to load!".

I'm using AutoCAD 2007.

Thanks for any help that you can provide.

don't complain if you're not going to do something about it.


Barry Ralphs


don't complain if you're not going to do something about it.


If you drag "C:/Program Files/OpenDCL Studio/Examples/_MasterDemo.LSP" into your Acad window all the other example should load form the MasterDemo's interface when click on the buttons. If you are trying to load any of the other examples manually, you'll have to add "C:/Program Files/OpenDCL Studio/Examples" to your Acad support path. If you're trying to load older ObjectDCL files, you'll have to open them in the editor first & re-save them so they get updated. (make backup first).
You'll also need to update your code to use:
(dcl_Project_Load ....)
the old (dcl_loadproject ..) is obsolete
Barry Ralphs


the issue was mine obviously ;)

i had an old version of the arx loading.

thanks for your assistance!
don't complain if you're not going to do something about it.


and AutoCAD 2009 rus and eng

I wanted to run an example _MasterDemo

AutoCAD eror

The OpenDCL Runtime module failed to load. Please repair the OpenDCL installation and try again.

command line
Command: (LOAD "C:/Program Files/OpenDCL Studio/ENU/Samples/_MasterDemo.lsp")
OpenDCL sample programs.
Enter "DEMO" to run the sample.
OpenDCL Unknown command "OPENDCL".  Press F1 for help.

Application Error: 2 :- quit / exit abort

what's the problem?

Sorry for my English ;)

Fred Tomke

Hi, ElectroBOG, or better: sdrasdwuitjes, towaritsch?  ;)

at first: welcome to this board!
Secondly: my English is worse, too. So, if anybody won't understand what you wrote - she/he will ask what you meant. No fear! Just post.

At last: OpenDCL was not loaded. OPENDCL command only exist if a certain reg key exist. So, give me the key of the AutoCAD release you use. Togehther we will create a registry key file to add this feature to AutoCAD.

Have a look at the registry and find this path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Autodesk\AutoCAD\
Which AutoCAD releases and products you use? See the picture at the bottom.

Here is the registry file content for Civil 3D 2008 German.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"Loader"="C:\\Programme\\Gemeinsame Dateien\\OpenDCL\\OpenDCL.17.arx"


What you have to do is to copy the content above to notepad and save it to a reg-file, acad2009_rus.reg or similiar.
Then replace
- R17.1 with R17.2 (for 2009)
- ACAD-6000:407 with the key for the russian or english product (i don't know)
- C:\\Programme\\Gemeinsame Dateien with the top common files folder. In the folder you should find the OpenDCL folder, too. Don't move this !!!

Save the file. Double click the file to add the content to the registry.
Restart AutoCAD. It should work now.

Normally, this should be added automatically when installing OpenDCL.
I do not use the OPENDCL command in my code. I load the ARX-file using (arxload).

Fred Tomke
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Landespflege

[ landscaper - landscape developer - digital landscape and urban design]


Looked registry, there was record
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Autodesk\AutoCAD\R17.2\ACAD-7006:419\Applications\OpenDCL - good
This AutoCAD MEP 2009 rus
but I did not try it then run the example in the AutoCAD MEP 2009 rus, now runs all works

I tried to run the example in the AutoCAD Electrical 2009 rus
but there was no record in
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Autodesk\AutoCAD\R17.2\ACAD-7007:419\Applications - no OpenDCL
This AutoCAD Electrical 2009 rus
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Autodesk\AutoCAD\R17.2\ACAD-7006:409\Applications - no OpenDCL
This AutoCAD MEP 2009 en
because I install it later

now prescribed

"Loader"="C:\\Program Files\\Common Files\\OpenDCL\\OpenDCL.17.arx"


"Loader"="C:\\Program Files\\Common Files\\OpenDCL\\OpenDCL.17.arx"


it works

mean for the Russian version AutoCAD Electrical 2009 not added automatically when installing OpenDCL

good luck

AutoCAD Mechanical 2009 rus checked everything set automatically

ps ps
and for MEP and Electrical not been instal

I think when you install an application, and is one more search is not
for the first time it was the MEP 7006 (Electrical following 7007)
in the second Mechanical 7005 (following MEP and Electrical)


I've read this thread.  In the end, it's not clear to me whether there is a bug.  If you installed AutoCAD MEP 2009 *after* OpenDCL, then it would not recognize the _OPENDCL command.  That is expected  Simply performing a repair install in this case should register it properly for demand loading in AutoCAD MEP 2009.
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft


Error is that if you have more than one product based on AutoCAD, the installer OpenDCL is a first, while the rest is not installed
This is evident from my previous post, when
the first case - a ACAD MEP (ACAD-7006) and ACAD Electrical (ACAD-7007)
OpenDCL installed only for ACAD MEP
The second case - a ACAD Mechanical (ACAD-7005) ACAD MEP (ACAD-7006) and ACAD Electrical (ACAD-7007)
OpenDCL installed only for ACAD Mechanical


Quote from: ElectroBOG on December 06, 2008, 11:00:00 PM
Error is that if you have more than one product based on AutoCAD, the installer OpenDCL is a first, while the rest is not installed

OpenDCL installs correctly on all flavors of AutoCAD on my US English Windows Vista system.  Which .msi did you install?  What is the exact version and language of your Windows installation?
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft


Quote from: owenwengerd on December 07, 2008, 09:04:54 AM
Which .msi did you install?
QuoteWhat is the exact version and language of your Windows installation?
Windows XP Pro. SP3 x86 Russian
QuoteOpenDCL installs correctly on all flavors of AutoCAD on my US English Windows Vista system.
However, several installed flavors of AutoCAD?


Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft


I'm back again! :)

Yet another job but back to the AutoCAD world!

I've got all my OpenDCL projects loaded, the _MasterDemo.lsp loads and shows the palette but when I click on any of the demo buttons the all result in the similar:
AutoCAD Message
Project failed to load!
The file could not be found or an error occurred while reading the file.
[C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenDCL Studio\ENU\Samples\Modeless.odcl]

I'm using AutoCAD 2008 32 bit on a Vista 64 bit with AutoCAD 2007 also loaded.  I have the latest version of OpenDCL loaded.

Again each of my projects loads and runs fine.

I've added the following paths to my Support file paths:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\OpenDCL
C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenDCL Studio\ENU\Samples

Thanks for your suggestions!

don't complain if you're not going to do something about it.


It sounds like some registry entries did not get written during installation. Did you install the MSI file under a user account, perhaps?
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft