Cosmetic: "About" calls Internet Explorer

Started by Peter2, December 28, 2022, 10:12:08 AM

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When I use "About", I get a dialogue which shows also the link to It seems that it is hardcoded(??) to be used with Internet Explorer. If so, it could be modified sometimes ...
ODCL 8.1.... German, AutoCAD 2017 - 2018, Win 7 x64, Win 10


The control is a WebView, which is based on IE. It is not about the URL, just that the control decided how to open it, and apparently it prefers IE. I'm sure that could be changed to use a general purpose API lie ShellExecute() that would use the default browser, but is it worth the trouble?
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft


ODCL 8.1.... German, AutoCAD 2017 - 2018, Win 7 x64, Win 10


Quote from: owenwengerd on December 30, 2022, 02:38:06 PM
The control is a WebView, which is based on IE. It is not about the URL, just that the control decided how to open it, and apparently it prefers IE. I'm sure that could be changed to use a general purpose API lie ShellExecute() that would use the default browser, but is it worth the trouble?
I know this is old, but I will say it would now be worth the trouble since IE no longer functions on properly updated systems and yet this still tries to call IE.