What about OpenDCL CopyRights ???

Started by stephan_35, July 24, 2008, 06:00:20 AM

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Hello !

I would like to know what is the current copyright of OpenDCL , and what is allow to do whith this great project ....

For exemple :
Is it allow for sell AutoLisp Project construct with it ?
Is it allow for sell install of OpenDCL ?

In all these case, is it free for all ???
And what is the legal mention must to be appear ???

And what about Chad Wanless project and his copyrigths ???
On a french forum, i just learn that DuctiSOFT inc has buy ObjectDCL copyrights, is-it Possible on a GNU software ???


Thanks a lot !
OpenDCL / Editor  / Vista 32 Bits
Development of  specific tools for trades in AutoLisp - php - sql


I'm no export on this topic, but this is how I understand it. (maybe Owen can correct me if I'm wrong)

1. YES, you can sell your Lisp & ODCL projects. That is why the "DistSamples..." sample is included with the Studio install. It demonstrates how to embed an OpenDCL project into a vlx file, so the end user can't "easily" view you're source code.

2. NO, you can't sell the install packages for OpenDCL. That is why the Runtime installs are provided for you. The end user can install the .MSI on there own, or you can embed the .MSM into your product's .MSI installer.

Chad is no longer involved in either of the projects.
How DuctiSOFT Inc. was able to purchase software that was already released to the public under GNU & it's legitimacy???  I guess no one will ever know...
Barry Ralphs


Thanks for your reply !

I'm very please to know that i can work more with OpenDCL !

But, you don't talk me about limitation or legal mentions ???

OpenDCL / Editor  / Vista 32 Bits
Development of  specific tools for trades in AutoLisp - php - sql

Fred Tomke


I do not know that there would be any limitations. Make sure that you distribute all the files which are included in the runtime installer (if you don't use the runtime msi installer during installation your application). One of these files is the GNU-GPL.txt another is the License.txt. Both have to be distributed urgently, too. I don't believe that you have to show a form with a licence agreement the enduser has to accept or decline everytime. But there should be a way to read it. This could be solved this way that you distribute these files, too.

Fred Tomke
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Landespflege

[ landscaper - landscape developer - digital landscape and urban design]


I don't think there are any limitations. Just do as Fred mentioned?
I be leave Fred sells & distributes his OpenDCL\Lisp products.
Barry Ralphs


Quote from: stephan_35 on July 25, 2008, 12:54:41 AM
But, you don't talk me about limitation or legal mentions ???

You should read the OpenDCL license agreement, as this is what governs your use of OpenDCL.  The license agreement includes a URL to a web site with more information about the GPL license.
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft


OpenDCL / Editor  / Vista 32 Bits
Development of  specific tools for trades in AutoLisp - php - sql