What would it take to convert from object dcl to open dcl?

Started by Hypersonic, November 25, 2009, 03:52:56 AM

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I have a bunch of programs set up with an older version of object dcl.  I am running mechanical desktop 2004.
I want to upgrade to autocad 2009 or 2010
The old object dcl dialogs will not run in 2009 so I either have to re-write for the newer object dcl or re-write for open-dcl.....

Could someone explain to me the pro's and cons' of each possibility?
How much work would either method be?  I know those are open ended questions.... but any general idea would help!

Thanks!, Bob.


Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft


This migration guide showed only a couple minor changes as being needed?  Or am I not seeing the whole picture?

If thats all that is necessary, I'll start converting today!

So does this mean I can reuse all my old files for the most part?


Yes, unless you're doing something funky, conversion should only take a few minutes.
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft


If you find any issues that aren't in the Migration Guide, please let us know.
Barry Ralphs


Awesome!  I am going to start tonight!  will this open DCL also work with mechanical desktop 2004?

Is there an installation guide?

Thank you so much!


Yes, it will work with Mechanical 2004. There is no installation guide; just install the OpenDCL Studio MSI for your language, then follow the steps in the migration guide. Add a (command "_OPENDCL") to your application's main function to ensure the runtime is loaded, then you're good to go.
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft


Thanks, I will give it a try.... feels like Christmas and I got a new bike!


Ugh!  I don't know which version it looks like there are dozens of them....

I am running an English version of Mechanical Desktop 2004

I see newer and older files?  Is ENU english?

Thanks, sorry for not knowing!


I see newer and older files?  Is ENU english?

QuoteUgh!  I don't know which version it looks like there are dozens of them....
Which version of what ??

If you mean of the StudioEditor I'd use the Stable Version

The Development Build is not yet ready for production work.

The stable Runtime to install on Users Machines is
Perfection is not optional.
My other home is TheSwamp


Perfection is not optional.
My other home is TheSwamp


Inforapid search and replace is a free downloadable tool to do some of the global search and replace things listed in the migration guide.
Maybe this (or something like it) is already listed somewhere, but if not it might save some people a few hours...
Just a thought
Thanks for all your help!



If that's your function to load the .arx, then yes, it should be replaced with (command "_OPENDCL").
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft