In OpenDCL, events trigger a call to an AutoLISP event handler function when the event is enabled. All forms and controls can expose events. Some events are generic and apply to many control types; some are unique to certain control types.
- BeginLabelEdit (Item)
- BeginLabelEdit (Key)
- BeginLabelEdit (Row/Column)
- ButtonClicked (Row/Column)
- Cancel
- CancelClose
- Changed (Item)
- Changed (Value)
- Clicked
- Clicked (Item)
- Clicked (Value)
- Close
- ColumnClick
- DblClicked
- DblClicked (Item)
- DblClicked (Row/Column)
- DeleteItem (Key)
- DocActivated
- DocumentComplete
- DragnDropBegin
- DragnDropFromControl
- DragnDropFromOther
- DragnDropToAutoCAD
- DropDown
- EditChanged
- EndLabelEdit (Item)
- EndLabelEdit (Key)
- EndLabelEdit (Row/Column)
- EnteringNoDocState
- FolderChanged
- GetDayState
- Help
- Initialize
- ItemExpanded (Key)
- ItemExpanding (Key)
- KeyDown
- KeyUp
- KillFocus
- MaxText
- MouseDblClick
- MouseDown
- MouseEntered
- MouseMove
- MouseMovedOff
- MouseUp
- MouseWheel
- Move
- NavigationComplete
- Ok
- OptionsApply
- OptionsCancel
- OptionsHelp
- OptionsOk
- Paint
- RightClick
- RightDblClick
- ReleasedCapture
- ReturnPressed
- Scroll
- Scrolled
- SelChanged
- SelChanged (Count/Value)
- SelChanged (Item/Value)
- SelChanged (Key)
- SelChanging (Item)
- Select
- SetFocus
- Show
- Size
- SplitterMove
- Timer
- TypeChanged
- Update