[Resolved] [] Testers required.

Started by Kerry, November 11, 2009, 02:15:00 AM

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NOTE: All issues raised in this thread were related to a particular series of builds where the control painting methodology was being redesigned.
These issues have now been RESOLVED.

I'd like as many people as possible to try to run this code.

It's a simple Tab Control with 3 Pages

When the code is run ;

Command : DOIT

The user should see Page 1
.. a TextButton, A textBox and a Graphics Button.
Ditto for Page 2
Ditto for Page 3.

If you can't see the controls, just move the mouse pointer over the tab page.
If you can't see the TextBox properly, Click the button.
if you cant see the graphicButton Select (Pick) on the Tab Page till you find it.

This is not a trick program.
I'm getting different results on different computers ...
Please post back with your results
and AcaD Version, OpenDCL Version, Machine details(if possible).

Best Regards and Thanks

Code (autolisp) Select

;; Test Code
;; 20091111 kdub@home


(defun c:doit () (c:Test60012b))

(defun c:Test60012b (/ DialogReturn)
 (command "_OPENDCL")
 (dcl_Project_Load "kdub60012b.odcl" T)
 ;; Show the main form
 (setq DialogReturn (dcl_Form_Show kdub60012b_Main))

;|<<OpenDCL Event Handlers>>|;

(princ " << Enter DOIT or 'Test60012b' command to run >> \n")
Perfection is not optional.
My other home is TheSwamp

Slavko Ivanovic

Fast check in one of my workplace mashine in two ver. of ACAD.
At home, i will check on my notebook, and workstation, with more runtime versions.

So now.
AMD Athlon 64 x2 5000+ 2.60 GHZ
2 GB of RAM
on Gygabyte Tech M720-US3
Windows XP Pro sp.3 (5.1, Build 2600)
NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT, with old driver=>
DirectX 9.0c (4.09.0000.0904)
Visual Style (Theme) => WindowsXp Default(blue)

OpenDCL Runtime []

:ACAD 2004
Command: acadver
  ACADVER = "16.0s (LMS Tech)" (read only)
Command: _vernum
  _VERNUM = "V.0.86" (read only)

:ACAD 2010
Command: acadver
  ACADVER = "18.0s (LMS Tech)" (read only)
Command: _vernum
  _VERNUM = "D.215.0.0 (UNICODE)" (read only)

No problems. Everything looks fine.
***  siCAD Solutions for AutoCAD  ***
ArchiTools l ToolsPlus l LandTools l LBE

Fred Tomke

Hi Kerry,

easy answer:

Every Machine: Visual Styles enabled, OpenDCL DEU, ODCL-project read from network drive via additional supportpath
All (but one) AutoCAD releases DEU

Machine 1 (Tower): WinXP x86 DEU, AMD XP 3200+, 2GB RAM, ATI RADEON 7500
Tested in: AutoCAD 2004, AutoCAD 2008, Map 2008, Civil 3D 2009 (all x86)
Result: All controls are shown properly, no flickering, nothing bad to tell.

Machine 2 (Tower): Win Vista x64 DEU, Intel Xeon E5504, 12 GB RAM, NVIDIA Quadro FX 580
Tested in: AutoCAD 2010 x64, AutoCAD R18.1 x64 Beta 1 ENU
Result: All controls are shown properly, no flickering, nothing bad to tell.

Machine 3 (Notebook): Win 7 x64 DEU, Intel Core2Duo T7300, 4GB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce 8600M GT
Tested in AutoCAD Map 2010 x64
Result: All controls are shown properly, no flickering, nothing bad to tell.

On Windows 7 x64 I suggest to call the form again and again and again: I have the feeling that my forms are getting slowlier and slowlier each time they have to be shown. I'm still testing our product on Win 7 x64, too.

Fred Tomke
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Landespflege

[ landscaper - landscape developer - digital landscape and urban design]

Slavko Ivanovic

Quote from: Slavko.Ivanovic on November 11, 2009, 06:41:19 AM
Fast check in one of my workplace mashine in two ver. of ACAD.
At home, i will check on my notebook, and workstation, with more runtime versions.

So now.
AMD Athlon 64 x2 5000+ 2.60 GHZ
2 GB of RAM
on Gygabyte Tech M720-US3
Windows XP Pro sp.3 (5.1, Build 2600)
NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT, with old driver=>
DirectX 9.0c (4.09.0000.0904)
Visual Style (Theme) => WindowsXp Default(blue)

OpenDCL Runtime []

:ACAD 2004
Command: acadver
  ACADVER = "16.0s (LMS Tech)" (read only)
Command: _vernum
  _VERNUM = "V.0.86" (read only)

:ACAD 2010
Command: acadver
  ACADVER = "18.0s (LMS Tech)" (read only)
Command: _vernum
  _VERNUM = "D.215.0.0 (UNICODE)" (read only)

No problems. Everything looks fine.

Test no.2.
Same machine, same ACADs,
but i have just installed:

OpenDCL Runtime []

In both ver of AutoCAD same (bad) behavior:

Always on Start or Tab change :
I only can see Text Box , but looks like disabled and i can not see text inside.

after showing...

1. If I first click in Text Box I see this control correct.
   When I click in Text Box Graphic Button get visible, but Text Button is still not visible.

2. If I first move mouse pointer over area where Text Button should be, then (on mouse over) Text Button get visible.
   Text Button get visible, but still can't see Graphic Button, and Text Box still look's like disabled.

3. If I first click in area where Graphic Button should be, then (on mouse click) Graphic Button get visible.
    But Text Button is still not visible, and Text Box still look's like disabled.


So after this i tested some of my forms with Tab controls, and they are "acting strange".
Example in one form, when i change Tab, some controls in that Tab have delay 1-3 sec before get visible.

So, on absolutely same configuration:

***  siCAD Solutions for AutoCAD  ***
ArchiTools l ToolsPlus l LandTools l LBE

Fred Tomke


QuoteAMD Athlon XP 3200+, 1x2,2 GHz
2 GB of RAM
on MSI KT6 Delta-FISR (MS-6590 v2.0)
Windows XP DEU Version 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3 Build 2600
ATI Radeon 7500 DDR using Windows Driver (uses no CCC!)
DirectX 9.0 (installed by AutoCAD, no idea how to find the subversion)
Visual Style (Theme)
tried with WindowsXp Default(blue)
tried with WindowsXp Silver
tried with WindowsXp Olive
tried with Windows Classic

OpenDCL Runtime []

:ACAD 2004
Command: acadver
  ACADVER = "16.0s (LMS Tech)" (read only)
Command: _vernum
  _VERNUM = "V.0.86" (read only)

:ACAD 2008
Befehl: acadver
ACADVER = "17.1s (LMS Tech)" (schreibgeschützt)
Befehl: _vernum
_VERNUM = "B.51.0 (UNICODE)" (schreibgeschützt)

I've tried several combinations of Visual Styles, Hardware accelerations and manual tuning of _3dconfig.
In every case I can see no problems.

Fred Tomke
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Landespflege

[ landscaper - landscape developer - digital landscape and urban design]

Slavko Ivanovic

QuoteDirectX 9.0 (installed by AutoCAD, no idea how to find the subversion)

[WINKey+R], dxdiag [enter]

Start -> Run -> dxdiag -> OK
***  siCAD Solutions for AutoCAD  ***
ArchiTools l ToolsPlus l LandTools l LBE

Slavko Ivanovic

Test no.3.

My notebook IBM  THINKPAD T43.
XP Pro. SP3

:Acad 2004
:Acad 2009
:Acad 2010

all ENU.

OpenDCL Runtime [] -> ALL OK !
OpenDCL Runtime [] -> PROBLEMS SAME LIKE IN MY Test no.2.
***  siCAD Solutions for AutoCAD  ***
ArchiTools l ToolsPlus l LandTools l LBE

Fred Tomke

Quote from: Slavko.Ivanovic on November 12, 2009, 04:34:38 AM
Start -> Run -> dxdiag -> OK

Thanks, now I know that I have 4.09.0000.0904, too.
I see, the only difference between our workstations must be the language  ;) ?

Fred Tomke
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Landespflege

[ landscaper - landscape developer - digital landscape and urban design]


Quote from: Slavko.Ivanovic on November 12, 2009, 03:04:17 AM

Test no.2.
Same machine, same ACADs,
but i have just installed:

OpenDCL Runtime []

In both ver of AutoCAD same (bad) behavior:

Always on Start or Tab change :
I only can see Text Box , but looks like disabled and i can not see text inside.

after showing...

1. If I first click in Text Box I see this control correct.
   When I click in Text Box Graphic Button get visible, but Text Button is still not visible.

2. If I first move mouse pointer over area where Text Button should be, then (on mouse over) Text Button get visible.
   Text Button get visible, but still can't see Graphic Button, and Text Box still look's like disabled.

3. If I first click in area where Graphic Button should be, then (on mouse click) Graphic Button get visible.
    But Text Button is still not visible, and Text Box still look's like disabled.


So after this i tested some of my forms with Tab controls, and they are "acting strange".
Example in one form, when i change Tab, some controls in that Tab have delay 1-3 sec before get visible.

So, on absolutely same configuration:


I have the same issue on several machines.


Just for Info : are any of the tests using a dual monitor setup ??
Perfection is not optional.
My other home is TheSwamp

Fred Tomke

Yes, I have. I wanted to tell it in my last post but I deleted it because I thought it would not be important. I have no display problems on all three machines. My XP tower with the Radeon 7500 graphics card uses 2 Samsung 2343BW with a resolution of 2048 x 1152 for each.

Fred Tomke
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Landespflege

[ landscaper - landscape developer - digital landscape and urban design]


There is definitely a problem, but I'm not sure what the solution is.  For Alpha 13, I'll try making a few small changes to see if anything changes.
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft


Here's another one which is causing me trouble.

I have Slides that the user selects a location on. Dependant on the location selected, some textBox and Buttons may be made visible.

This is a sample.

Note that the draw method in both the slide and PictureBox seems to not work at initialisation.
.. (but perhaps I'm doing something wrong 'cause I bashed this together.

If you comment the code

  (dcl_slideview_fillimage test_1113a_main_slideview1 
                           (list (list x y 10 20 3)) 
  (dcl_slideview_endimage test_1113a_main_slideview1)

in c:test_1113a_main_slideview1_onmousedown (so that the fillImage Method is not used) the SetVisible works as expected.

Code (autolisp) Select

(command "OPENDCL")

;; Test Code  
;; 20091113 kdub@work  


;;; (findfile "Test_1113A.ODCL")
(defun c:test_1113a (/ dialogreturn)
 (dcl_project_load "Test_1113A.ODCL" t)
 ;; Show the main form  
 (setq dialogreturn (dcl_form_show test_1113a_main))

;|<<OPENDCL Handlers Event>>|;

(defun c:test_1113a_main_oninitialize (/)
 (dcl_control_setvisible test_1113a_main_textbutton1 nil)
 (dcl_control_setvisible test_1113a_main_textbox1 nil)
 (dcl_control_setvisible test_1113a_main_textbutton2 nil)
 (dcl_control_setvisible test_1113a_main_textbox2 nil)
 (dcl_control_setbackcolor test_1113a_main_picturebox1 8)
   (list (list 10 10 30 30 2) (list 30 30 20 40 6))
 (dcl_PictureBox_StoreImage test_1113A_Main_PictureBox1)
 (dcl_slideview_fillimage test_1113a_main_slideview1
                          (list (list 30 30 25 25 3))
 (dcl_slideview_endimage test_1113a_main_slideview1)
(defun c:test_1113a_main_picturebox1_onmousedown (button flags x y /)
 (dcl_control_setvisible test_1113a_main_textbutton1 t)
 (dcl_control_setvisible test_1113a_main_textbox1 t)
   (list (list (- x 15) (- y 15)  30 30 3) )
 (dcl_PictureBox_StoreImage test_1113A_Main_PictureBox1)
(defun c:test_1113a_main_slideview1_onmousedown (button flags x y /)
 (dcl_control_setvisible test_1113a_main_textbutton2 t)
 (dcl_control_setvisible test_1113a_main_textbox2 t)
 (setq xx x)
 (setq yy y)
 (dcl_slideview_fillimage test_1113a_main_slideview1
                          (list (list x y 10 20 3))
 (dcl_slideview_endimage test_1113a_main_slideview1)

(prompt "\n TEST_1113A to run.")
Perfection is not optional.
My other home is TheSwamp


It is not possible to draw on a picturebox in OnInitialize because the picture box is not yet visible at that point. This is the case because the draw methods draw directly onto the display. The same thing would happen with slideimage. For the picture box, you can do the drawing during OnPaint.
Owen Wengerd (Outside The Box) / ManuSoft


Thanks Owen,
I don't usually draw on initialise, just tried for this sample. ... I'll keep that in mind for future.

I would like to draw in the slide to indicate the location selected though
... this is why ... see the green marker, it indicates the reference point selected

Just for info, the 'Insert Options' and 'Draw 2D' 'Draw 3D' buttons don't display untill the workpoint is selected.
Perfection is not optional.
My other home is TheSwamp


Quote from: Kerry Brown on November 11, 2009, 02:15:00 AM

I'd like as many people as possible to try to run this code.

It's a simple Tab Control with 3 Pages

Tested on ODCL -, AutoCAD 2007 though to 2010, Bricscad Pro v10

Laptop (Windows XP Pro v2002 SP3, x86) - all working well
Tower (Windows Vista Ultimate SP1, x86) - none work (controls not painting themselves on the tabs)